


Note that most pages have a blue question mark which you can click to access a large number of help videos with detailed instructions. Below is a basic summary to help you become familiar with what ChurchBuilder is and how it works.

You can use ChurchBuilder to: 

1)   See other church members' contact details (if permission has been given) 

2)   See any rotas you are involved with. 

a.    If you are on a rota you will be able to arrange swaps, mark yourself as unavailable, and volunteer for specific dates. 

b.    You will automatically receive an email 6 days before you are due on rota and another 24 hours before (if you choose to turn on email reminders). 

c.     This will be from ChurchBuilder not from a member of the staff team so the first time you will not recognise the email address. 

3)   View the Church Calendar 


·     FAQs and a link to ChurchBuilder can be found on the church website under the resources menu at: 

·     Don’t forget to use the help videos and support site in ChurchBuilder 

Logging On 

·     If your email address has been entered into ChurchBuilder you are able to log on.

·     Open your internet browser (e.g. explorer, Firefox, google chrome). 

·     Click on: [provide link details]

·     Click on Admin

·     Click on 'Help I can't get in',[this is in blue under the big blue question mark.]

·     Type in the email address which you have provided to the Church Office. 

·     A confirmation code will be sent to your email account so you now need to open your email. 

·     If it is easier for you, you can shut down church builder while you look at your emails. 

·     When the email arrives make a note of the confirmation number. 

·     Go back to ChurchBuilder. 

·     If the window is still open enter the confirmation code, otherwise:- 

o  Click on Admin

o  Click on 'Help I can't get in', this is in blue under the big blue question mark. 

o  This time enter the confirmation code 

o  You will be asked to enter a user name. This is the name you will use to log into ChurchBuilder and should be easy to remember such as your name with no spaces e.g. Jane Smith would enter janesmith. 

o  You will then be asked to enter a password, this will need to include a number and ideally should include a symbol (e.g. *,& etc.). 

o  You will be asked to enter it twice just to check you didn't make any typing errors the first time. 

o  You will need to remember this password. 

o  You are now set up to use ChurchBuilder - next time you log on you will only need to enter your user name and password. 

Viewing Contact Details. 

·     Click on Admin(top right of the screen). 

·     Click on People Manager

·     Type the name of the person you want to find. 

·     Click 'Search for People'

o  You do not have to know their whole name e.g. typing ‘Jane’ will bring up a list of every Jane in the church. You can then click on the person you wish to contact.

o  Clicking on the post code will take you to a map showing where the person lives.

·     You will be able to see details of those people in your church who have given permission for their details to be displayed. 

Change Your Details 

·     Click on Admin(top right of the screen). 

·     Click on Profile.

·     Place the cursor over the box which contains the information you wish to change. 

·     Click on 'Edit'which will appear in the top right of the box. 

·     Change those details you wish to change. 

·     Click OK.

Add Your Photo

·     Some of you will be brave enough to add your photo. 

·     To do this you will need to have a photo of yourself stored on your computer. 

·     Click on Admin(top right of the screen). 

·     Click on Profile.

·     Click on Mugshot(under the picture at the top right of the page). 

·     Click on Upload.

·     Click on 'Choose File'and find the picture on your computer. 

·     When the picture has finished uploading click on OK

Viewing Rotas 

·     Click on Admin(top right of the screen). 

·     Click on Rota Manager

·     Select the rota you wish to view. 

·     If you are looking for a rota associated with a service (and cannot see it) select the service e.g. to see the Welcome rota for the 10:30am service, click the 10:30am service. 

·     To see more than one week at a time click on 'Switch to Row mode'just above the rota on the right hand side. 

Swapping Duties 

·     Right click your name on the rota and select ‘Swap’

·     This will take you to a new screen with further instructions. 

·     Read the explanation at the top of the page. 

·     Select those you wish to request to swap with by clicking in the box after their name. 

·     Click on ‘send request’at the bottom of the page and those you have selected will be notified of your request. 

Marking Yourself as Unavailable or Volunteering for a Date. 

·     When a rota has the word unset, it means that no one has been allocated that duty.

·     Right click on the word unset and choose Unavailable or Volunteer. 

Viewing Calendars 

·     Click on Admin(top right of the screen). 

·     Click on Calendars. There are [four calendars…]. 

·     These are colour coded as can be seen at the top right of the page. 

·     You can choose which calendars you can see by ticking (click in the box) those required. 

o  Depending on what permissions you have been given, clicking on an event may allow you to see more details. 

o  You cannot add events to the calendar

 ChurchBuilder: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

·      What is ChurchBuilder?

o  ChurchBuilder is a church management system

o  St John’s will use ChurchBuilder: 

§  as our contact database/church directory

§  to help compile our various rotas across the two services


·      Why should I use ChurchBuilder?

o  Using ChurchBuilder will help us to meet our legal obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018 in knowing what data we have (and where) and in maintaining that data

o  ChurchBuilder will help us to communicate better and enable us to share information more easily, more securely, and more quickly

o  It will help: 

§  avoid ‘clashes’ across the various church rotas

§  people to identify up-front when they can/cannot serve

§  people make swaps if they are unable to serve on that date 


·      How do I use ChurchBuilder?

o  ChurchBuilder should be easy to work out how to use once you’ve logged in

o  Information on how to use ChurchBuilder is set out in the ‘How to use ChurchBuilder’Document


·      What if I don’t want people to see my details?

o  You can choose what information other people can see on ChurchBuilder i.e. make ‘public’.  For example, you might be ok with letting people see your email and mobile number but not want them to see your address or landline number (if you still have one) 

o  ChurchBuilder is most effective the more people use it, including making some/all of their contact information ‘public’ to other users within St John’s


·      Who will be able to see my data?

o  Once you have chosen to make your data ‘public’, people who are identified as being ‘Regular’ attendees at St John’s and, typically, who are serving in one way or another

o  Staff and other officers of the church may also in certain circumstances be able to access data that is otherwise unavailable to church members where people have given permission to be contacted by the church 

·      How safe is my data?

o  The ChurchBuilder site itself uses the same encryption technology as internet banking and other secure websites

o  As with all online activity, it is recommended that you choose a strong and unique password

o  The data itself is only viewable by church staff and officers unless you have explicitlygiven permission for it to be viewed by others

o  Use of ChurchBuilder is covered by our General Privacy Notice (see here: (href= 





Note that most pages have a blue question mark which you can click to access a large number of help videos with detailed instructions. Below is a basic summary to help you become familiar with what ChurchBuilder is and how it works.

You can use ChurchBuilder to: 

1)   See other church members' contact details (if permission has been given) 

2)   See any rotas you are involved with. 

a.    If you are on a rota you will be able to arrange swaps, mark yourself as unavailable, and volunteer for specific dates. 

b.    You will automatically receive an email 6 days before you are due on rota and another 24 hours before (if you choose to turn on email reminders). 

c.     This will be from ChurchBuilder not from a member of the staff team so the first time you will not recognise the email address. 

3)   View the Church Calendar 


·     FAQs and a link to ChurchBuilder can be found on the church website under the resources menu at: 

·     Don’t forget to use the help videos and support site in ChurchBuilder 

Logging On 

·     If your email address has been entered into ChurchBuilder you are able to log on.

·     Open your internet browser (e.g. explorer, Firefox, google chrome). 

·     Click on: [provide link details]

·     Click on Admin

·     Click on 'Help I can't get in',[this is in blue under the big blue question mark.]

·     Type in the email address which you have provided to the Church Office. 

·     A confirmation code will be sent to your email account so you now need to open your email. 

·     If it is easier for you, you can shut down church builder while you look at your emails. 

·     When the email arrives make a note of the confirmation number. 

·     Go back to ChurchBuilder. 

·     If the window is still open enter the confirmation code, otherwise:- 

o  Click on Admin

o  Click on 'Help I can't get in', this is in blue under the big blue question mark. 

o  This time enter the confirmation code 

o  You will be asked to enter a user name. This is the name you will use to log into ChurchBuilder and should be easy to remember such as your name with no spaces e.g. Jane Smith would enter janesmith. 

o  You will then be asked to enter a password, this will need to include a number and ideally should include a symbol (e.g. *,& etc.). 

o  You will be asked to enter it twice just to check you didn't make any typing errors the first time. 

o  You will need to remember this password. 

o  You are now set up to use ChurchBuilder - next time you log on you will only need to enter your user name and password. 

Viewing Contact Details. 

·     Click on Admin(top right of the screen). 

·     Click on People Manager

·     Type the name of the person you want to find. 

·     Click 'Search for People'

o  You do not have to know their whole name e.g. typing ‘Jane’ will bring up a list of every Jane in the church. You can then click on the person you wish to contact.

o  Clicking on the post code will take you to a map showing where the person lives.

·     You will be able to see details of those people in your church who have given permission for their details to be displayed. 

Change Your Details 

·     Click on Admin(top right of the screen). 

·     Click on Profile.

·     Place the cursor over the box which contains the information you wish to change. 

·     Click on 'Edit'which will appear in the top right of the box. 

·     Change those details you wish to change. 

·     Click OK.

Add Your Photo

·     Some of you will be brave enough to add your photo. 

·     To do this you will need to have a photo of yourself stored on your computer. 

·     Click on Admin(top right of the screen). 

·     Click on Profile.

·     Click on Mugshot(under the picture at the top right of the page). 

·     Click on Upload.

·     Click on 'Choose File'and find the picture on your computer. 

·     When the picture has finished uploading click on OK

Viewing Rotas 

·     Click on Admin(top right of the screen). 

·     Click on Rota Manager

·     Select the rota you wish to view. 

·     If you are looking for a rota associated with a service (and cannot see it) select the service e.g. to see the Welcome rota for the 10:30am service, click the 10:30am service. 

·     To see more than one week at a time click on 'Switch to Row mode'just above the rota on the right hand side. 

Swapping Duties 

·     Right click your name on the rota and select ‘Swap’

·     This will take you to a new screen with further instructions. 

·     Read the explanation at the top of the page. 

·     Select those you wish to request to swap with by clicking in the box after their name. 

·     Click on ‘send request’at the bottom of the page and those you have selected will be notified of your request. 

Marking Yourself as Unavailable or Volunteering for a Date. 

·     When a rota has the word unset, it means that no one has been allocated that duty.

·     Right click on the word unset and choose Unavailable or Volunteer. 

Viewing Calendars 

·     Click on Admin(top right of the screen). 

·     Click on Calendars. There are [four calendars…]. 

·     These are colour coded as can be seen at the top right of the page. 

·     You can choose which calendars you can see by ticking (click in the box) those required. 

o  Depending on what permissions you have been given, clicking on an event may allow you to see more details. 

o  You cannot add events to the calendar

 ChurchBuilder: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

·      What is ChurchBuilder?

o  ChurchBuilder is a church management system

o  St John’s will use ChurchBuilder: 

§  as our contact database/church directory

§  to help compile our various rotas across the two services


·      Why should I use ChurchBuilder?

o  Using ChurchBuilder will help us to meet our legal obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018 in knowing what data we have (and where) and in maintaining that data

o  ChurchBuilder will help us to communicate better and enable us to share information more easily, more securely, and more quickly

o  It will help: 

§  avoid ‘clashes’ across the various church rotas

§  people to identify up-front when they can/cannot serve

§  people make swaps if they are unable to serve on that date 


·      How do I use ChurchBuilder?

o  ChurchBuilder should be easy to work out how to use once you’ve logged in

o  Information on how to use ChurchBuilder is set out in the ‘How to use ChurchBuilder’Document


·      What if I don’t want people to see my details?

o  You can choose what information other people can see on ChurchBuilder i.e. make ‘public’.  For example, you might be ok with letting people see your email and mobile number but not want them to see your address or landline number (if you still have one) 

o  ChurchBuilder is most effective the more people use it, including making some/all of their contact information ‘public’ to other users within St John’s


·      Who will be able to see my data?

o  Once you have chosen to make your data ‘public’, people who are identified as being ‘Regular’ attendees at St John’s and, typically, who are serving in one way or another

o  Staff and other officers of the church may also in certain circumstances be able to access data that is otherwise unavailable to church members where people have given permission to be contacted by the church 

·      How safe is my data?

o  The ChurchBuilder site itself uses the same encryption technology as internet banking and other secure websites

o  As with all online activity, it is recommended that you choose a strong and unique password

o  The data itself is only viewable by church staff and officers unless you have explicitlygiven permission for it to be viewed by others

o  Use of ChurchBuilder is covered by our General Privacy Notice (see here: (href= 





Note that most pages have a blue question mark which you can click to access a large number of help videos with detailed instructions. Below is a basic summary to help you become familiar with what ChurchBuilder is and how it works.

You can use ChurchBuilder to: 

1)   See other church members' contact details (if permission has been given) 

2)   See any rotas you are involved with. 

a.    If you are on a rota you will be able to arrange swaps, mark yourself as unavailable, and volunteer for specific dates. 

b.    You will automatically receive an email 6 days before you are due on rota and another 24 hours before (if you choose to turn on email reminders). 

c.     This will be from ChurchBuilder not from a member of the staff team so the first time you will not recognise the email address. 

3)   View the Church Calendar 


·     FAQs and a link to ChurchBuilder can be found on the church website under the resources menu at: 

·     Don’t forget to use the help videos and support site in ChurchBuilder 

Logging On 

·     If your email address has been entered into ChurchBuilder you are able to log on.

·     Open your internet browser (e.g. explorer, Firefox, google chrome). 

·     Click on: [provide link details]

·     Click on Admin

·     Click on 'Help I can't get in',[this is in blue under the big blue question mark.]

·     Type in the email address which you have provided to the Church Office. 

·     A confirmation code will be sent to your email account so you now need to open your email. 

·     If it is easier for you, you can shut down church builder while you look at your emails. 

·     When the email arrives make a note of the confirmation number. 

·     Go back to ChurchBuilder. 

·     If the window is still open enter the confirmation code, otherwise:- 

o  Click on Admin

o  Click on 'Help I can't get in', this is in blue under the big blue question mark. 

o  This time enter the confirmation code 

o  You will be asked to enter a user name. This is the name you will use to log into ChurchBuilder and should be easy to remember such as your name with no spaces e.g. Jane Smith would enter janesmith. 

o  You will then be asked to enter a password, this will need to include a number and ideally should include a symbol (e.g. *,& etc.). 

o  You will be asked to enter it twice just to check you didn't make any typing errors the first time. 

o  You will need to remember this password. 

o  You are now set up to use ChurchBuilder - next time you log on you will only need to enter your user name and password. 

Viewing Contact Details. 

·     Click on Admin(top right of the screen). 

·     Click on People Manager

·     Type the name of the person you want to find. 

·     Click 'Search for People'

o  You do not have to know their whole name e.g. typing ‘Jane’ will bring up a list of every Jane in the church. You can then click on the person you wish to contact.

o  Clicking on the post code will take you to a map showing where the person lives.

·     You will be able to see details of those people in your church who have given permission for their details to be displayed. 

Change Your Details 

·     Click on Admin(top right of the screen). 

·     Click on Profile.

·     Place the cursor over the box which contains the information you wish to change. 

·     Click on 'Edit'which will appear in the top right of the box. 

·     Change those details you wish to change. 

·     Click OK.

Add Your Photo

·     Some of you will be brave enough to add your photo. 

·     To do this you will need to have a photo of yourself stored on your computer. 

·     Click on Admin(top right of the screen). 

·     Click on Profile.

·     Click on Mugshot(under the picture at the top right of the page). 

·     Click on Upload.

·     Click on 'Choose File'and find the picture on your computer. 

·     When the picture has finished uploading click on OK

Viewing Rotas 

·     Click on Admin(top right of the screen). 

·     Click on Rota Manager

·     Select the rota you wish to view. 

·     If you are looking for a rota associated with a service (and cannot see it) select the service e.g. to see the Welcome rota for the 10:30am service, click the 10:30am service. 

·     To see more than one week at a time click on 'Switch to Row mode'just above the rota on the right hand side. 

Swapping Duties 

·     Right click your name on the rota and select ‘Swap’

·     This will take you to a new screen with further instructions. 

·     Read the explanation at the top of the page. 

·     Select those you wish to request to swap with by clicking in the box after their name. 

·     Click on ‘send request’at the bottom of the page and those you have selected will be notified of your request. 

Marking Yourself as Unavailable or Volunteering for a Date. 

·     When a rota has the word unset, it means that no one has been allocated that duty.

·     Right click on the word unset and choose Unavailable or Volunteer. 

Viewing Calendars 

·     Click on Admin(top right of the screen). 

·     Click on Calendars. There are [four calendars…]. 

·     These are colour coded as can be seen at the top right of the page. 

·     You can choose which calendars you can see by ticking (click in the box) those required. 

o  Depending on what permissions you have been given, clicking on an event may allow you to see more details. 

o  You cannot add events to the calendar

 ChurchBuilder: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

·      What is ChurchBuilder?

o  ChurchBuilder is a church management system

o  St John’s will use ChurchBuilder: 

§  as our contact database/church directory

§  to help compile our various rotas across the two services


·      Why should I use ChurchBuilder?

o  Using ChurchBuilder will help us to meet our legal obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018 in knowing what data we have (and where) and in maintaining that data

o  ChurchBuilder will help us to communicate better and enable us to share information more easily, more securely, and more quickly

o  It will help: 

§  avoid ‘clashes’ across the various church rotas

§  people to identify up-front when they can/cannot serve

§  people make swaps if they are unable to serve on that date 


·      How do I use ChurchBuilder?

o  ChurchBuilder should be easy to work out how to use once you’ve logged in

o  Information on how to use ChurchBuilder is set out in the ‘How to use ChurchBuilder’Document


·      What if I don’t want people to see my details?

o  You can choose what information other people can see on ChurchBuilder i.e. make ‘public’.  For example, you might be ok with letting people see your email and mobile number but not want them to see your address or landline number (if you still have one) 

o  ChurchBuilder is most effective the more people use it, including making some/all of their contact information ‘public’ to other users within St John’s


·      Who will be able to see my data?

o  Once you have chosen to make your data ‘public’, people who are identified as being ‘Regular’ attendees at St John’s and, typically, who are serving in one way or another

o  Staff and other officers of the church may also in certain circumstances be able to access data that is otherwise unavailable to church members where people have given permission to be contacted by the church 

·      How safe is my data?

o  The ChurchBuilder site itself uses the same encryption technology as internet banking and other secure websites

o  As with all online activity, it is recommended that you choose a strong and unique password

o  The data itself is only viewable by church staff and officers unless you have explicitlygiven permission for it to be viewed by others

o  Use of ChurchBuilder is covered by our General Privacy Notice (see here: (href=